Mylor Ventures Angel Network

Mylor Ventures Angel Network (MYVAN) is a private network of active business angels looking for exciting opportunities.

MYVAN operates at arms length from Mylor Ventures itself, ensuring investment discipline is maintained. This allows Mylor Ventures to present to MYVAN regular opportunities, within standard templates and due diligence. While funding is key, the network participants are also keen to take active and advisory roles within the businesses. We can not underestimate the importance of angels in this role, particularly for business development and sales. Many of the angels live in the South West with the rest being London-centric.

Mylor Ventures itself also has very strong relationships with various Crowdfunding organisations and sees the combination of angel funding pulling in wider crowd funding as an excellent way to raise capital.

In July 2016, David Juxon was appointed Chair of MyVAN with a remit to grow the network, ensure deal flow is of the highest standard and represent us at various industry forums and events.

David Juxon

Key factors this angel group is looking for are:

  • Businesses with strong value propositions, large markets and intellectual property
  • Capital efficiency: Companies need to demonstrate the potential for strong cash flows relatively early in their business plans, ideally from an initial investment round
  • EIS and SEIS accreditation
  • Willingness to let angels participate to the benefit of the company

For further information, please contact us at [email protected]